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Huatai International Financial Holdings Company Limited (“Huatai International”) is a wholly owned offshore subsidiary and overseas business platform of Huatai Securities Co. Limited (601688.SH and 6886.HK) (“Huatai Securities”). Huatai International operates its Hong Kong business via its wholly owned subsidiary Huatai Financial Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited (“Huatai Financial”) which is licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong to conduct Type 1 (Dealing in Securities)Type 2(Dealing in Futures Contracts),Type 4 (Advising on Securities)Type 6 (Advising on Corporate Finance)Type 7 (Providing Automated Trading Services) and Type 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities. Huatai Financial offers asset management services including QFIBond ConnectStock Connect and so oncovering global bondsequity,commoditiesforeign exchangefuturesindicesETFsfundsprivate equity/debtand other popular underlying assets and investment products.

Relying on the overall resource of Huatai Securitiesthe Asset Management Department of Huatai Financial provides one-stop investment solutions to clients,including identifying the Investment objective strategy and investment theme,structuring and launching the product and managing the product during its full life cycle,in the form of customized discretionary accounts and funds in accordance with client’s risk appetite and asset allocation preferences. 

Hong Kong Public Funds

The Sub-Fund’s objective is to provide return in line with prevailing money market rates in HKD by primarily investing in short-term deposits and high quality money market instruments denominated in HKD.
The Sub-Fund’s objective is to provide return in line with prevailing money market rates in USD by primarily investing in short-term deposits and high quality money market instruments denominated in USD.
The Sub-Fund’s objective is to provide income and secondarily to seek long-term capital growth through investments in equity and debt securities.

The Sub-Fund’s objective is to provide long term capital growth through investing primarily in investments grade fixed income instrument issued by governmentquasi-government and state owned enterprise in global markets.

Private Funds

Private funds raise capital from professional investors through private offerings. The Asset Management Department of Huatai Financial has launched a series of private funds with different structures and strategies in accordance with market demand and clients’ risk appetite to meet the investment goals of different clients under different market conditions.

Discretionary Accounts

Depending on the terms and conditions in the specific agreement entered into with the client,Huatai Financial,the investment manager,is entitled to discretion authority to manage the accounts and make investment on behalf of the clients based on their risk appetites and investment objectives. Each account will be separated from other accounts in terms of accounting and management.

Cross-border Products

Cross-border Northbound Investment:

  • ·     As a Qualified Foreign Investor (QFI),Huatai Financial is able to trade in a wide range investment scope permitted by the China Securities Regulatory Commission,including but not limit to stocks,bonds,public/private funds,stock index futures;
  • Through Bond Connect,Huatai Financial is able to invest in various kinds of cash bonds such as interest rate bonds,credit bonds in stock exchange or inter-bank bond market.

Cross-border Southbound Investment:

Huatai Financial is able to act as the investment advisor of QDII products launched by Huatai Securities Asset Management (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.'s to invest in overseas capital markets with selected investment strategies including: 

  •       Selected SOE Theme US Dollar Bond Investment Strategy;
  • Target Maturity US Dollar Bond Investment Strategy;
  • Enhanced Return US Dollar Bond Investment Strategy,etc.

Milestones & Achievements

  • 2024:
    Won the Asset Management Company of the Year - Multi Asset award at The Asset Triple A Sustainable Investing Awards 2024
  • 2023:
    Launched "Huatai HKD Money Market Fund" and "Huatai USD Money Market Fund"
  • 2022:
    Launched China Common Prosperity Fund SP as the first RQFII product with Broker settlement model and won the “Most Innovative Product" prize in the “Offshore China Fund Awards 2022"
  • 2012:
    Licensed as one of the first fund managers to conduct RQFII business
  • 2011:
    Launched first Cayman offshore fund
  • 2009:
    Licensed by SFC to carry on Type 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities
Contact Us

Phone: +852 3658 6238
Address: 62/F. The Center 99 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong